"To Flee or To Stay? Rabbinic Responsibility for Communities During the Sho'ah (Holocaust)" Rabbi Ezy Poupko Insight into the painful dilemma of the community rabbis in the Holocaust: flee to safety or stay with the community at all costs.
11:00 AM Intersession Break
11:10 AM Sessions 2
"The Obligation to Fulfill Mitzvot During the Sho'ah (Holocaust)" Rabbi Dan Tobaly How far does one go to continue fulfilling Divine commandments during times of danger? We will discuss the ethical dilemmas faced by many observant Jews during the Holocaust of whether to prioritize their lives or their souls.
12:00 PM Lunch
12:30 PM Rabbi Avi Lebowitz 12:45 PM Rabbi Joey Felsen - Tribute to our Departing Rabbis
"Sarvanut: Draft-Dodging and Insubordination in the IDF" Rabbi Asher Coleman This session will explore the history of sarvanut (conscientious objection) among populations in Israel which traditionally do serve in the IDF. Politically motivated draft-dodging and insubordination have been challenges throughout Israel's history, rearing their heads most recently during Israel's current political crisis. We will examine the Torah's perspective on the subject through the rulings and positions of rabbinic leaders in the religious Zionist community.
"Artificial Intelligence and Surveillance" Rabbi Dovy Grossman With the development of technology in the sphere of surveillance, there are ethical issues that arise within the realm of the protection of privacy. How is privacy enshrined in Jewish law?